
basketball defense lesson plans

• Demonstrate the game with 2 students or with a student and the assistant. One player with a basketball on the strong-side slot position. While many younger players can run all day long and seem to never get tired, many children today are out of shape. Skill Development Through Practice and Repetition X. Players must sprint forward to their starting position. Players are spread out in the half or full court in a defensive stance an even distance apart from each other. This will prevent players from dribbling all over the court and ensures they’re attacking in limited space. Tennis On the rebound call, players must jump up and down three times as high as they can simulating getting a defensive rebound. Lesson Plan for Physical Education Course Goal Accomplished in this Lesson: Unit Goal Accomplished in this Lesson: Defense in Players shouldn’t be leaning forward when in defensive stance. It is essential that your players be in good physical condition. Drop step slides - Point diagonally behind them. The offensive players should practice getting open by establishing a higher foot than the defender and then exploding out to the wing. Coach Jim Boylen talks about his defensive system and how to recreate an NBA defense. Use the following 5 basketball defense drills to: Improve closeout defense (drills 1 and 2). The coach stands out front of the group to be seen clearly at all times by all of the players. Players fall backwards simulating taking a charge and then get straight back up into pitter patter. Offense must be in the triple threat stance and protecting the basketball from the defender. Number 1s/3s are offensive players, try to establish passing lanes. This resource includes six weeks of basketball lesson plans that progress and follow on from one another. Improve defensive technique (drills 3 and 4). ACTIVITY #2 Keep Away • Within their groups of 6, students should form 2 groups of 3. Lesson 2 – Passing and creating space (V, L, jab) Lesson 3 - Shooting and rebounding. Coach important defensive fundamentals - teach your players to take responsibility for their man in this Shuffle and Shadow defensive session. Week 1 Basketball Practice Plans and Drills – 7th Grade; What We Did With Our 4th Grade Youth Basketball Team – Offense, Defense, Skills and More… What We Did With Our 5th Grade Girls Team – Offense, Defense, Drills and Plays; Coaching Youth Basketball – What We Did With Our 3rd Grade Team and Ideas that Might Help You 5:55 - 6:10 Correct Execution Of 3 On 2 And 2 On 1 (offensively and defensively) Three On Two, Two On One 44 6:10 - 6:20 Motion Offense - Cutting To Get Open Motion Offense - Ball Reversal, Receivers 21 20 V-cut, backdoor cut vs active defense. KELLI MCLARTY PHYS ED UNIT PLAN BASKETBALL Lesson 4 Grade/Subject: 10 P. E Unit: Manipulating an Object Lesson Duration: 80 min SPECIFIC OUTCOMES FROM ALBERTA PROGRAM OF STUDIES LEARNING OBJECTIVES (2-3, clear, and measurable) Students will: DEFENSE/ ZONES ASSESSMENT S After the score or defense takes possession, the offensive player immediately closes out on the opposite wing and they play 1-on-1. The offensive player can receive the backdoor pass for the layup if the defender is overplaying them. Too late and the offensive player won’t be able to attack on the catch. Application of Skill Through Games and Drills XI. Live 1-on-1 – After the pass is made, you can allow the players to play one-on-one until a score or a missed shot. Pay attention to the footwork of both players. Charge - Cross arms at chest. Date: January 28, 2018 Grade Level: 6-8 Concept: Basketball Shooting and Passing Objectives: Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the concept of shooting a basketball by standing at a certain distance from a basketball hoop and shooting a ball in the direction of the hoop up to 5 times in a row with 80% … Search and hit enter, Help Defence - Covering and Recovery Defensive Techniques, Defensive Fundamentals - Shadowing and Man-marking, Team Defence - A Comprehensive Coach Handout. One defender guarding one of the wing player. Specifically, footwork and staying on balance. If your players are good at defending it, it will take a lot of teams out of their offense and confuse them. The coach then uses both visual and verbal cues to instruct players’ to perform defensive movements. A lot of defense depends on effort; It basically is dependent on hard work, determination, hustle, technique, and position. An offensive and defensive player start by playing 1-on-1 from the wing. On the closeout, the defender should use short, choppy steps, get one hand up to contest the shot, and ensure balance to absorb the drive. V-Cuts to Start - In this variation the top doesn’t pass immediately to the wing. Players sprint 2 - 3 steps forward and then close-out with high hands while keeping a low base. Select a basketball defense(s) that fits your team's personnel, size, quickness, strengths, and your defensive philosophy. The offensive player on the wing must wait for the new defender to sprint to them and then the one-on-one starts with the offensive player getting open using a v-cut on the wing. Warm-up/Stretch • Groups of three place stand in 10’ x 10’ square.defensive Number students 1-3. What are Zone drills for 8 & 9 year olds? 5 Basketball Agility Drills to Improve Footwork and Body Control, King of the Court (Fun Basketball Game and Drill), 73 Basketball Drills and Games for Kids (2020 Update), 5 Layup Drills You Must Use Next Practice, 5 Basketball Defense Drills to Lock Down Any Opponent, How to Create a Youth Basketball Practice Plan, Parents: Please Stop Ruining Youth Sports, Zone Defense is Terrible for Youth Basketball, 21 Life Lessons Kids Learn Through Youth Sports, How to Win Every Youth Basketball Game (8 Terrible Tactics), 1-3-1 Zone Defense – Complete Coaching Guide. When the first defender slides past the line, that triggers the next player in line to start the drill. For the drill to work effectively, the pass from the top to wing must be made at the right time. circuit. Get used to doing it for games. The offensive player can perform a v-cuts and utilise changes of speed but must stay on the line between the wing and the basket. When first developing basketball plays for offense, coaches should use a basic strategy that can be changed based on players' size and ability level. 4.8 24 customer reviews. This requires them to read the defender before they’ve received the basketball. Complete versatility! search our library of Work with a team to score using various offensive strategies. After closing out to each of the 4 offensive players, the player joins the end of the line and starts again when it’s their turn. The primary purpose of this drill is to work on closeout technique. It doesn’t matter about the height of your team, how athletic they, or any other excuse that coaches find to run a different defense. Ball Handling Skills II. Improve defensive technique (drills 3 and 4). This defense is what they do at Michigan State and in the NBA. Defense; School Basketball Lesson Plans; News. Develop a fundamentally sound power forward! more, See our top tips for you to avoid player burnout and help get players reaching their potential. Depending on the amount of players you have, run this drill for 3 – 5 minutes. This means that if the offense scores, the defender will stay on defense. Defense IV. Each game of 1-on-1 can’t cross over to the opposite side of the court. Defensive players start under the basket and must sprint out and close out on each of the four offensive players spread around the three-point arc. Author: Created by onetwocoaching. Wing Starts With Basketball - Instead of receiving the pass from the top and being able to attack the defense as they’re closing out, both wing players start the drill with a basketball as well. The outline of each lesson is: I. In this highly detailed unit and sequence of lesson plans, students learn all of the specialised movement skills and theory behind the sport of basketball. Preview Plan. Loser to Defense - The player that loses the one-on-one battle closes out on the next defender. Suggested Grade Level: 6-8. They then retreat to the basket and move on to the next player. Use this lesson plan as an introduction to a unit on basketball. Opposite Direction - While the drill states to perform it clockwise, throughout the drill you should change the direction people are rotating at some stage. We've got the tools and techniques to help take your coaching to the next level this year! Basketball lesson plans and worksheets from thousands of teacher-reviewed resources to help you inspire students learning. Hyperlinks to: Lesson 1 – Dribbling and dribble defense . The rest of the players underneath the basket. Defence wins you championships! Inside Print n' Go Basketball Practice Plans, you'll get instant access to 18 fun basketball drills for shooting, passing, dribbling, rebounding and defense. Grades 9-12. ​Players must be sprinting and sliding at 100% effort throughout the entire drill. When the first defender has slid around the cone on the other side of the court, they again sprint to close out, and then once again slide to the opposite side of the court before returning to the end of the line. They are suitable for years 4, 5 and 6. The offensive player has a maximum of 2 - 3 dribbles before shooting. The rest of the players form a line at the top of the key each with a basketball. They then put pressure on the offensive player for 2 - 3 seconds before back-pedalling until they’re within the charge circle and then sprint out to the next player. One defensive player on the wing guarding the offensive player. Sprint - Motion forward with hands. Coaches like to teach the zone because it is easier to defend a good offense, and to stop a good point guard. 4. This is meant to be a conditioning drill too. Dribbling V. Passing VI. Be able to play man-to-man defense with a team in a game situation. Specifically the closeout for the defender and the footwork off the catch for the offensive player since many will rush and travel. From the structure of the court, to the fundamental skills that are required to dribble, shoot and pass, this is an ideal unit for years 9 … A defensive drill that focuses on the fundamentals of individual defense while incorporating in conditioning. Improve on-ball defense (drills 1 and 5). Cones Instead of Players - If all you’re doing is closing out and retreating, consider using cones to close out to instead of players. Click here to get started. Before we get to those, though, we’ll explain how the YMCA Rookies program modifies basketball and give you a quick review of what’s in the lesson plans and how you should use them. All organized into 6 printable youth basketball practice plans you can take right to the gym! A coach or another player then instructs the team to complete different defensive movements that players must follow as a collective group. Here's a difficult truth:Being willing to hustle and play hard on defense isn't enough...To develop a great defensive team, players must learn correct defensive technique and understand where they should be on the court depending on who they're guarding and the position of the basketball.And the best way to accomplish this is by using proven basketball defense drills during your team practices.The goal on the defensive end of the floor is to force the opposition into taking the most difficult shot possible.This requires players to be able to play great on-ball defense and for help defense to be in the correct position and ready to rotate and help when needed.Use the following 5 basketball defense drills to: Players form a line at the top of the key and fill the wing spots. The goal for the defense is to prevent the pass to the wing player while the offensive player attempts to make 3 catches in a row. Basketball Lesson Plans – KIN 303. Conditioning Shooting VIII. Some coaches simplify and stick to the same defense all season and try to perfect it. Box out in order to prevent an opponent from getting a rebound. Viewed: 2149 times, Read Dec 27, 2016 - Teach students basketball skills with these Basketball Stations posters. Freeze Basketball Defense. Introduction and Demonstration of Skill IX. 5. Students will practice shooting, dribbling, passion, defense, and more. Make sure it’s game pace! It doesn't really have its ups or downs or depend on whether you are hot or not. You will require four D-men or cones for this drill. These Defense Lesson Plans are available: Defence wins you championships! Players must have enough space between each other. After a certain amount of time, swap the offensive players with the defensive players and continue the drill. Assist with groupings and equipment. These Defense Lesson Plans are available: Help Defence - Covering and Recovery Defensive Techniques. Each time the offensive player catches the basketball, they immediately pass back to the player in the slot and the drill continues. This requires players to be able to play great on-ball defense and for help defense to be in the correct position and ready to rotate and help when needed. The first player in line sprints out to the first offensive player in a clockwise direction and closes out on the ball. Close-Outs - Point hands in the air. This is my Physical Education lesson plans for basketball (dribbling), which worked well with my students in grades 2-5. Back-Pedal - Pointing behind the players. Players perform this defensive course one-by-one. 3. This is because defense and … Improves defensive footwork and technique required to successfully guard a player with or without the ball. The drill starts with the offensive player walking the defender in and exploding out looking to receive the pass from the player in the slot. When pressuring the basketball, the defender should trace the basketball with one hand and keep the other hand low to poke away a dribble. Students will read a text lesson, summarize and discuss its contents, and take part in some hands-on activities. Basketball Defense Lesson Plans. Find basketball defense lesson plans and teaching resources. This allows them to quickly prevent a backdoor pass instead of having to make a 180 degree turn. Make sure all defensive footwork is done well since this is a very important part of the drill. Key defensive concepts to improve your team's defending ability to turn them in to a strong defensive unit, Let's get back on track! The offensive player should be looking to attack immediately on the catch. 650+ The 4 offensive players all have a basketball. When the coach says “Defense!” have the players slap the floor and get in a defensive stance while saying “I love it!” Have the players stay in a good defensive stance until the coach again says “Defense!” After 30 seconds, let the players rest and do it again. If the defense gets a stop, then the offensive player will transition to defense like usual. Active defense, allow penetration to check defensive help. After teaching the ball handling drills during the first lesson, we begin the following lessons of our unit by doing a quick warmup for about 3-4 minutes of Follow the Leader and ask students to work on keeping their eyes up and trying to copy the ball handling moves that the teacher is … TLW use a combination of movement skills on offense, defense, and in 3 on 2. ​Players must remain in a low and wide defensive stance during the entire drill. ... Learners play Island Basketball that words on their ball handling and defense skills. 4 offensive players or coaches spread around the 3-point arc. As NBA coach, we’re always trying to find ways to become better defensively. Usually it’s best to allow 3 dribbles for youth players and 2 dribbles for advanced players. more, NOENKLE, Basketball Coach Basketball Defense Drills The key to good defense is staying between the hoop and the attacking opposition to prevent them either moving forward or shooting. Coach your team how to cover, help and recover on defence and build a team difficult to beat. Use this session to work on all the skills required for a Power Forward, a critical position for any successful basketball team! basketball drills, create your own professional coaching plans. A fast-paced and competitive drill with focus on attacking the defender off a close out and being able to guard the opposition in isolation. National Standards and Outcomes Focus for Basketball. Improve closeout defense (drills 1 and 2). Purpose of Activity: For students to practice recognizing and getting into proper position when playing defense. View Notes - Basketball defense from PEP 208 at University of New Mexico. Different Course - You can easily change the course by differing the placement of the cones. Preview. Players must drop step and then slide that direction. Rebound - Jump up with two hands. 2020 © Copyright Ltd. All Rights reserved. Basketball announcers often stress that defense is one part of the game that you can control. This drill allows players to practice their positioning and being able to react to the movements of the offensive player. The most important thing to remember when setting up an offensive play is balance: A balanced court will be set up for high percentage shots with designated rebounders and players ready for defense transition. Basketball Plays Against a Zone Defense. Jump Stops and Pivots III. resource comes with 12 stations designed to be used as a student-directed P.E. In youth basketball, the use of a zone defense has become more popular in recreational youth basketball leagues. Arms must be out to the sides throughout the entire drill. Belgium, Answers: 7 Standard 1.Demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns. When in denial position, the defender should have their chest facing the offensive player and have their arm out looking over their shoulder. Basketball Lesson 3 Equipment • Basketballs for every pair of students • Cones or floor tape to establish 10’ x 10’ squares. BASKETBALL LESSON 3 4th-5th GRADE TRANSITION • Pairs should form groups of 6, 2 basketballs per group. Prerequisites: Students should have some skill dribbling and shooting a basketball, although, this activity can be modified to accommodate students of varying skill. • Assign two groups of 3 to each quarter of the basketball court. Utilize the basketball skills of pick and roll, cutting, backdoor passes in a game situation. Quickly find that inspire student learning. 6 Week Basketball Lesson Plans - Years 4/5/6. ... Students play Island Basketball that words on their ball handling and defense skills. Defensive Specialist is a continuous drill that works on the different defensive movements players will make on defense including closeouts, defensive sliding, back-pedalling, and sprinting. Limited Dribbling – Limit the dribbles the offensive player on the wing is allowed to use before taking their shot. The next player in line begins once the first player has closed out, retreated to the charge circle, and starts sprinting to the next player. Being able to deny the pass to your opponent is one of the most important skills in a traditional man-to-man defense. Both Sides of the Floor - Since there are only 3 players involved at one time in the drill, run it on both sides of the court and also at the opposite end of the court if you have enough players. Get your FREE Ebook - 11 Basketball Defense Drills & Special Bonus! Bottle Cap Basketball (Bounce Pass) – Great way to have your students practice the bounce pass. School Basketball Lesson Plans. They’re not going to be enthusiastic if you’re not. Learning Activity: Warm-up 3 laps High knees, butt kickers, lunges, side lung - up to half court line and back. The drill begins with all players down in a low stance and ‘pitter-pattering’ their feet (quick feet). Dr. Cummiskey. The player then back-pedals around a cone directly behind them, and then slides across to the other side of the court. TLW apply the rules of basketball in the 3 on 2 activity. Encourage players to be loud on close-outs, charge calls, when back-pedalling, etc. Pennies work too, but make it much harder! Improve on-ball defense (drills 1 and 5). Two players compete 1-on-1 from the wing. After two slides, they back-pedal to the rim. Since it’s hard to explain where the cones and movements are by writing, I encourage you to take a look at the image associated with this drill for better comprehension. Since this drill covers all the most frequent movements players will make on defense, it’s one of the best basketball defense drills to get them used to these different movements. This process of the offensive player immediately transitioning to defending the opposite wing continues for the amount of time given to the drill. Created: Jul 3, 2015. Lateral slides east and west - Point the direction you want them to slide. Lesson 4 – Post play and defensive strategy (man, transition/outlet pass) 6. The coach must be enthusiastic while leading the players through the drill. By putting a bit more emphasis on how individuals feel, performance and longevity in Sport can be improved. Read more. The Pack Line defense is the best defense for youth basketball. England, Answers: 4 This is one of the most important basketball defense drills as most offenses start with a top to wing pass. Adapted Physical Education Class Basketball. Too early and it gives the offense too much time. Build a defensive team to withstand any attack! Dribbling Beanbag Transfer – This lesson helps teach students how to keep their eyes up when they are dribbling a ball. Make sure to focus on the main defensive movements. After the third catch, the players swap positions. It is written in workshop format and each lesson plan includes the following (great for Danielson): the unit of study, lesson topic, objective, national physical education standa. Players are spread out in the half or full court depending on how many players are used. Key points and ideas to improve your player's defendsive mindset and skills. Hold the close out for a second or two before moving on. 1-on-1 play is fantastic for development. Different Spots on the Floor - The drill can also be run making a pass from the wing to the corner or from the wing to the top of the key. Offense Takes 1-2 Dribbles - After closing out and pressuring the basketball, the offensive player takes one to two dribbles either left or right and the defender must slide with them to stay in front. Coach your team how to cover, help and recover on defence and build a team difficult to beat. Basketball Drills & Tips : How to Shoot a Basketball Better.Simple Basketball Plays - Split The Post.Elementary Through 8th Grade Basketball Drills and Team Concepts.Basketball Dribbling Drills : Behind the Back Cross Over in Basketball.Youth Basketball Plays - Motion Zone Offense.Basketball Drills - Full Court Pressure Defense Just download one of our pre-designed plans and head right to the gym! Lesson Overview. more basketball answers. TLW identify the consequences of basketball. All players begin in a straight line on the baseline. Students … Standard1 [M4.6]: Passes and receives with hands in combination with locomotor patterns of running and change of direction and speed with competency in invasion games such as basketball, flag football, speedball, or team handball (6). Warn players that if they extend their arm-bar and push, it will be a foul. He hopes that after today you’ll be able to take something back to your team and teach your players how to play better defense. In this basketball lesson plan, students practice switching hands to keep the ball close to their body and defend it when necessary. The offensive player from the previous 1-on-1 immediately closes out and they play compete until a score or change of possession. This continues for a usually 2 - 3 minutes. The defense attempts to constantly deny the pass to the offensive player on the wing. read Lay‐ups VII. 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